Other retailers soon asked if he could also sell for them on various online channels. So the idea to sell shoes online for other retailers was born and the original concept of Schuhe24 was born. The range of shoes on offer is vast and there are always more retailers wanting to take part.
The products are offered on several online stores (like Schuhe24, Outfits24, Taschen24, shoesyouwant.com, gabor-schuhe.com etc.), as well as on channels like Klingel, Galeria, Limango or Mirapodo, Meyer-Mode, Alba Mode and many more. In some cases, products are also offered on marketplaces such as Amazon, AllyouNeed.de, Real.de or Ebay, as well as US marketplaces. The goal is always the same: a retailer can reach many more channels through The Platform Group than on their own.