Retailer Dr. Dominik Benner started selling shoes online in 2013. First a few, then more and more shoes were sold. Other retailers soon asked if he could also sell for them on various online channels. All shoes come from a specialist retailer with over 2,000 shops involved in Germany.
Shoes sector
Retailer Dr. Dominik Benner started selling shoes online in 2013. First a few, then more and more shoes were sold. Other retailers soon asked if he could also sell for them on various online channels. All shoes come from a specialist retailer with over 2,000 shops involved in Germany.
Online store with a history
Retailer get access to online sales without too much effort. The goal is not simply to be an online channel for retailers. Shoes24 offers more! With one click, retailers can go live on 50 channels, Schuhe24 takes care of the data management, is the contact point for customers and does all the background processing. Workshops and on-site consulting are also standard. This gives the retailer more than just going live on any particular channel. Retailers are connected to a common marketplace and 50 sales platforms via a central IT platform. Customers can choose from a huge selection of shoes at great prices and also support local trade.